Explore the nature of your bio-water being
Enliven and attune your crystalline matrix
Flow to the orchestra of your body’s fluid nature
Intuitive movement designed by and through your aqua pura essence
Conscious Connected Breathwork journey to bring you into your tidal being
Harmonize your whole system through the magic of vibration
Recalibrate your highest resonance through sound medicine from the lovely Ocian Sound
Water Being: Movement + Breath + Sound Healing Journey
Yes Please: Register HereYou are water!
Literally- each molecule in your body is composed of 99.95% water... Your whole being is 70% water and the rest is mostly empty space!
The water in our body is made up of highly structured water- a crystalline matrix that learns, remembers, and understands. It is in a constant state of receptivity and upgrading- we are essentially the most malleable computer on the planet because of our water composition!
Certain things like toxins, chemicals, and electromagnetic radiation and harmful frequencies can disrupt the structure of our water-bio being.
This means it is imperative that we include daily practices that help us to keep our crystalline matrix in its highest, brightest structure.
Things like grounding/ earthing, drinking structured/ alive water, reducing your exposure to artificial EMF and EMR are all ways to actively support your water system.
Breathwork, movement, and sound medicine are also excellent resources for helping to recalibrate your resonance and shift your water frequency back to harmony.

My name is Elisha!
I have an insatiable curiosity and desire to move. I encourage my students to explore their multidimensional being; to find their innate connection between mind, body, heart and spirit so that they may move into more feeling and sensation, in deeper, more loving ways. I am inspired by intrinsic knowing and ancient earth wisdom. The earth, moon, and stars are my best teachers.
I move and teach from an embodied, experiential place, and I am constantly evolving as a teacher. Evolutionary movement patterns, primal and functional movement ideology, somatic practices, breathwork, and personal experience infuse my teachings and my practice. I have been on a path to integrate the divine, awakened, and embodied feminine in my own movement journey, tapping into softness, intuition, and receptivity as a profound point of power in practice.
My offerings are relevant, empowering, inspired, intuitive, and introspective. I aim to challenge students in delightful ways, and to stretch from the expansive space inside to out. Play is imperative and I hope you leave my heart space knowing just how powerful you are.
I teach a movement that I call “the practice” - a continuous mind-body awareness evolution. This is a coalescence of methodologies and personal experience: yoga, evolutionary movement patterns, primal, intuitive, form and formless. This practice will activate your system in ways that are profound and beautiful, both healing and uplifting, challenging and explorative. It is my intention to help you find new forms of alignment that serve your highest expression- and then to help you embody your movement patterns and operate from your own felt-sense brilliance.
I also teach conscious connected breathwork- what I believe is the medicine. In this offering- I will invite you to connect to your tidal breath, finding your natural rhythm and flow- and allow your body to rise into its perfect healing intelligence.
For this offering, I have invited Ocian Sound to share her sound medicine with us. She will be guiding us through a 1.5 hour journey, inviting your body to lift into its highest frequency and most attuned resonance.
We will keep it simple. Movement to move you from the inside out and free your form- embodying our formless water being. Breath to bring us home to our tidal rhythms and heal our soul. And sound medicine to attune and harmonize our bio-water and bring it into its most radiant crystalline structure.
Since the structure of water is the essence of all Life, the man who can control that structure in cellular systems will change the world. - Dr. Szent-Gyorgyi

Date: Saturday, June 11th
Time: 11-5pm
Place: Rising Sol Space, Cowichan Valley, BC
This is a live, in person, inclusive event.
- 11:00am: Circle Up
- 11:15am: Intuitive Flow: Water Being
- 12:45pm: Conscious Breath: Tidal Rhythm
- 2:15pm: Snacks
- 3:00pm: Ocian Sound Journey
- 4:30pm: Closing Circle + Reflection + Hugs
- End at 5pm
Energy exchange/ Investment
$222 paid in cash, e-transfer, or through PayPal or Stripe
Space for 8 hue-mans
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