The Wholly Heart: Pulse into the Sacred Spiral is a 2-day embodied immersion into the omnipresence of the heart vortex.
A place untouched and untethered; completely whole + unified, the heart is the safest home you’ll ever know.

Join for 2 days to embark on the depth, spiral, and wonder of the heart. It's going to be magic!

Join us for Saturday, February 19 to embark on the ideology of radiant heart, the heart is not a pump, and the hearts chemistry.

Join us for Sunday, February 20, to embark on embryological development, sacred spirals, blood as fascia, and helical anatomy.
For two days we will co-create a container. A sacred, heart spiral vortex for paradigm-shifting, whole-heart remembering, grounded-integrating and real-time receiving. We will release old dogmas and programs which have imposed upon our collective agreements and understandings.
We will dive into the:
- mentalization of our heart :how we learn + teach about it. Mechanics, anatomy, and physiology
- actualization of our heart : how we unlock + remember our light-body keys and our greatest authority
Through this immersive journey, you will remember:
- How to radiate from your heart center, moment-to-moment by actively opening + expanding the home of the heart: ribs, shoulders, neck, + belly
- The heart is not a pump; it is a receiver and transmitter of your own diving resonant frequency. It is your sacred spiral center where all begins and there is no end. We will inform this remembering by understanding embryological development and blood flow dynamics.
- That the fluids and waters coursing through the rivers and streams of your body are sacred, conscious, and alive. We will inform this remembering by understanding the (al)chemistry of the heart and heart-centered emotions.

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