Your vibe attracts your tribe.
Our community is radiant. We are so blessed to have such epic souls, each showing up and sharing their heart in their own unique and important way.
We love each and everyone of you so much. Thank you for supporting our vision and for filling this container we have created in the most beautiful ways.
Your presence has expanded our hearts to infinity. Thank you.

Tiffany Moore, Victoria, BC
Daily Ritual is the raddest group space I've ever been in. When I joined 4 months ago I knew I would find amazing bowspring classes and some other cool smatterings of things to pique my curiosity, but I found much more than that. Daily Ritual is a space filled with beautiful souls ready to connect, with offerings so thoughtfully designed and filled with love that magic flows in every class. In this space, I ground, I rise, I seek, I play, and I just be. I feel a lightness of spirit and a boost of confidence because it's ok to be real here. When my focus shifts to other priorities, Daily Ritual is there, arms open, unwaveringly offering support and a gentle invitation to return to practice. And so here I am, ever grateful for the space, love and magic I find inside Daily Ritual.

Christina J. Ophof, Ramona, CA
"This platform has exceptionally transfused yoga practice to the cyber world. As an outdoor enthusiast, I thrive with tangible, in-person connection, and the thought of losing that kind of community has been put to ease with Daily Ritual. I've realized now that whether I am traveling with a hectic schedule, or in the case of our social lives being "locked down,"... there are teachers so adaptable, gathered here and utilizing video conferencing to its highest and best potential. I am so happy that a solid yoga practice can come virtually to me via well informed and consistently present teachers (who love primal movement as much as I do!). Sending love and freedom to you all."

Winsome Williams, HAWAII
Being a yoga instructor myself, I never imagined I'd practice with an online community! COVID-19 forced us all to slow down and reevaluate our busy schedules, and in doing so, I happened upon Daily Ritual! I love waking up early before the sun and getting a solid movement class in with one of their spectacular teachers! There are an array of instructors, each unique, kind, compassionate and badass in their own way! + they always keep me up to speed with what's happening astrologically via their lovely newsletters, which I so appreciate! This year they even offered a spring cleanse, which I am still vibe'n from! I truly love this community of individuals and hope in the future, the universe aligns in such a way that we all get to meet/practice face to face!!

Joyce Savitz, Jacksonville, FL
"Such a wonderful gift and honor to be part of the Daily Ritual family. That is exactly how it feels to be taking classes online with this wonderful group of talented teachers. Each one is compassionate, attentive, welcoming, and well trained.
The yoga that I teach has always been different from what is being taught in studios around me. It can be a lonely road. Daily Ritual has been so supportive in the learning of my own practice, as well as giving me wonderful tools to teach my students.
Daily ritual has also brought more of a balance to my practice. The feminine energy of the movement has been most welcomed in my, as well as my students, mind, body, and spirit.
So glad we have connected across the continent!!"

Iñigo Barona Santiago, Huesca, ES
The teachers of Daily Ritual are creating a family of people from all over the world, from different countries, languages and cultures...but with the same intention: take care about themselves by the way of evolution to learn how to move from the heart.
Professionals, kindness, authentics, teaching by example, moderns, funnys, smilers...All the aspects of the family are excellent: the web, the technology, the information, the schedule, the attention to anyone circumstances.
A place to feel comfortable, motivated, challenged, tired, relaxed... FREE.
Thanks for your support and certainly you will always be there when we need it.

Rocío Megía, Madrid, ES
"The sessions in Daily Ritual Live have made me feel more serene and full of energy. My body has been transformed into an incredible lightness, flexibility, and strength. The teachers are great professionals and the attention is very affectionate and thoughtful. Thanks to this application I can train from anywhere in the world, and there are many schedules available. When I finish the class I have a lot of mental focus, my emotions are in balance and my body has an overflowing vitality. Eternally grateful to the whole team. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you."

Kathy Davies, Canmore, AB
I love bow inspired movement! Daily Ritual has allowed me to expand and grow my practice. I think this is "the way" our body should move, and the more you do bowspring the easier it will be to incorporate this movement pattern into your other activities. It has a direct cross over into hiking, skiing, biking, running, or any other activity you do. The instructors are very warm, happy and knowledgeable, always a pleasure to work with.
Give it a try, it might be hard at first, but if you stick with it, your heart will open, your hips will open and you will feel terrific!!

Britta Phillips, Los Angeles, CA
I love the teachers. I love the yoga. I love being able to mix it up with meditation and breathing. I love my new butt! which has magically changed shape at age 57 even though I have been doing Barre Xtend, Pilates, Physique 57 and other yoga for decades. I look forward to every class, they are never a chore or boring. Always enriching and inspiring. So glad I found them as I cannot find any else like this online that gives so much value for a price that I can actually afford.

Amanda Glaser, Denver CO
I am so grateful to have found Daily Ritual. The offerings from movement to meditation have kept me grounded and growing at such a wild time. I’m still new to the community, but I instantly felt the connection. For me, it has felt incredible to find something accessible and welcoming and in a style of yoga that can be harder to find and feels SO good!
Amanda Glaser, Denver CO

Beca, Tampa, FL
Daily Ritual has been my solace, strength, community, and happy place during COVID-19. I came to this community in pain, seeking a place to heal during a very tumultuous time. I've come to truly love the classes I take and have come to realize how important this community is whether we are in quarantine or not. The instructors are always so kind and encouraging, gently pushing me to grow and expand and always there for support. Thank you for this community. I'm forever grateful and look forward to many more classes.

Rebecca Rubinstein, Hood River, OR
Daily Ritual has provided me access to constant community support through movement and health/wellness. As my schedule and energy ebb and flows, and I find more space in my day, I know I can hop onto Daily Ritual for a last minute class. Having the ability to join a class from the comfort of my own home and on my own whims and constantly shifting schedule, it has been easier to maintain my practice and comfort in my body. As a server, I am on my feet all day, running back and forth like a caged hamster, and if it weren't for the alignment and engagement tools that I have honed and maintained through practicing with the passionate teachers on Daily Ritual, I know my energy and overall body fatigue would be significant. With the support of Daily Ritual I feel sustained throughout my day and in my life, physically and energetically. Thank you Daily Ritual teachers!

Hajer Mustafa , Victoria, BC
Daily Rituals online platform has been a lifesaver through this pandemic. The studio offers a variety of classes that radiate feminine energy while integrating a mixture of strength and flexibility. The futuristic thinking of the visionary, Elisha Jane, does not go unnoticed; though the platform was launched before COVID-19, it is evident that she has incredible abilities for predicting the future and what is needed to create from a place of love. I've watched the evolution of the studio and am forever awestruck by the offerings and light that the teachers give. Moving forward into the darker days of the year I know that I will be able to be grounded in proper thought and peace through the movement practices. Although the future is unpredictable, I am certain that this studio will always provide good vibes and an epic sense of community wherever you are.

Brienne Poulton, Victoria, BC
I had the opportunity at the beginning of 2020 to take a 3 hour introduction to Bowspring with Elisha and Jenna. I came into the class a devoted yoga practitioner. I also came into the class with chronic shoulder pain and relentless sciatica that prevented me from running. I was assured during those 3 hours that my ailments had the possibility of going away through the practice of Bowspring. From there I dedicated 15-30 minutes 5 days a week to Bowspring in the comfort of my own home watching Jenna and Elisha’s YouTube channels. From there I completely stopped yoga and started live online classes with Daily Ritual when time permitted. Within weeks of starting my practice both my shoulder and sciatic pain have completely gone away. I am back to running, I feel stronger, and my body is moving the way it is meant to move. I show up on the mat during the week and give whatever time is available to me. I’m so grateful for the practice that Daily Ritual has brought into my life.
Unlimited access to daily live zoom classes, zoom recordings, growing collection of ON DEMAND movement + meditation videos, playlists, + global community of movers & breathers!