4 pack breath + circle


What is my gift to the world as we move toward the season of giving?


Why... Assisting my loved ones to regulate their nervous system, calm their stress and anxiety, open their hearts, clear their minds, expand their consciousness, heal: as in call back and integrate all their exiled parts, and ultimately raise their vibration // which raises the vibration and collective healing of all, of course.



Through the breath. One breath at a time... May we lift and hold the frequency of love and future (present) visions of peace, harmony, and unity. 

Join me... I have made this offer a no-brainer. Let's breathe. 

The reasons are unlimited... 

Especially now. 



Thursdays from 9am - 11am PST

FLOW: Intention, Breathing (conscious connected breathwork with music), Circle + Sharing. 

November 30th
December 7th
December 14th
December 21st (Solstice Breath Celebration)

holy-daze breath circle | register here