Aries Full Moon: Inspires with FIRE! | MOON Letter + Updates
Oct 13, 2019

Warning: this one is a big one! But- so much goodness in this whole email- make some space, some tea, and get cozy. Love you!
βToday is Thanksgiving in Canada... But, one day out of the year simply does not represent the consistent gratitude I hold every single day, every single moment. My heart over flows; I am thankful... for every single breath I have in this life.
Happy Thanksgiving to all the humans in my life, I am SO thankful for each of you!
This morning I woke up and began creating this email. This email takes quite a lot of time to fully curate... I begin creating them almost as soon as I send them out. This is definitely a passion project of mine- finding all the resources that I love so much, sharing my heart and spreading the love.
I went into town to be with my family this morning- The air was crisp and the skies were mostly blue! My sister ran a half marathon this morning- she accomplished her personal best time... three minutes faster! I am so proud of her- she is amazing. My nieces, Maija and London, participated in the children's race- they are best friends and cousins... and so damn cute! Feeling a lot of gratitude to have a family who loves to show up for each other- and cheer each other on. When you are supported, the sky is the limit.
On this full moon in Aries (my sun sign), I am finding it easy to list things to be grateful for. In fact, the list feels like it could never end... And, I think every day is like this... As soon as you shift your perspective to more love, more light, more simple things that are beautifully perfect- life starts to feel alright. I am reminded of the power of thought and words... The power we hold in every moment to choose our experience and to create our reality as we want. Definitely, looking to the things that light us up, seeing the love everywhere, is the best way to bring more of the same vibe into our lives. And, so it is.

- βWhen in doubt just remember; you are made of dust, and will return to dust, but also remember you are no ordinary dust. You are made from the ashes of stars. So shine, be a raging fire and do justice to the star you’re made of. Elsa Siby Jose
ββI have a couple of insights today... Nothing totally unifying, but all important none the less- I have been tested this week! My sleep has been deprived by the intense and magnified energy and light of the moon- I am feeling it, anyone else? It's a crazy thing... We can believe anything we want to. The energy of this moon feels intense as fuck, but also- intensity doesn't have to mean bad or have negative implications. Intensity is just a degree of energy. We are capable of transmuting energy from one frequency to another... And, so with the loud, powerful vibration we are feeling with this masculine Aries moon, along side Eris- spiritual warrioress, both holding ownership to Mars... I offer that we collectively use this energy to be active, create, begin! Find positive ways to shift any uncomfortable vibes... Moving, breathwork, dance, activate your body and shake any frequencies that don't feel quite right. We are human beings, we hold infinite potential and power to shift our reality at the blink of a thought! We decide. So, yes- this moon is fierce, but we get to choose- to sit in the shadow of it, to let it consume us... or to rise into the light... and put this beautiful, potent energy to great use. Shine... Be so bright... Notice what holds you back and transmute and transform. You are infinite possibility... infinite potential... you are a star.
- A healer is not someone that you go to for healing. A healer is someone that triggers within you, your own ability to heal yourself.
βDo you have a teacher who ignites fire in your belly? Who asks you to show up... more, in bigger ways, outside of your comfort zone? What if... You could be that teacher for yourself. Notice- your "triggers" are typically reflections of your own projections... your own obstacles for growth. Heal yourself... Empower yourself... Why are you waiting for anyone's permission? You are infinitely powerful. You decide. Move mountains... and rise. Tap into places within yourself that you hold back, feel threatened by, feel not enough- how can you support yourself to love those parts up! You are your best teacher. Start paying attention... Observation will teach you everything.
- Boundaries.
βI keep feeling the word boundaries. I offer you- check your boundaries. Are you staying in alignment with your heart, your higher self? Do you feel in control and at peace in all aspects of your life? Typically, boundaries get blurred and crossed when we aren't standing strong in our truth, worth, and beliefs. We have the potential this month to re-write our entire story, to put into motion new ways of being and doing. And, within that tranformative space, there is an opportunity to recreate from the inside out. Are you in alignment? Could your self-esteem use a little love up? Are you following ideas like: in order to be a good person, you have to put yourself last? ... Notice where it feels sticky, suffocating, crunchy... Notice if you feel in control of your life... If you don't- I suspect, boundaries are a good place to check into. Learning to say 'no' can be so liberating. It doesn't make us a bad person- it just makes us aware of our needs, which is respectable and sets everyone involved up for success. No resentment, no out of control, no frazzle, no fret. This is worth it... Do the work, check in, create a space of living that feels liberating within the container you create for yourself.
- Love creates. War destroys.
βMy last idea- Forgiveness... Let go. Love creates, war destroys. Repeat: I'm sorry, Please forgive me, Thank you, I love you. Darling
βCOMING (SO!) SOON: Daily Ritual: Online Movement & Wellness Studio (weee!)
Estimated launch: November 1st, 2019
Facebook Page: Daily Ritual FB (We are just making our way to creating and refining all the details... But, the page is alive... so give it a like if you wanna keep up with where we move!)
Instagram Page:
If you want to be notified when it goes live… Sign up here: Daily Ritual Online Movement & Wellness Studio.
Offering: yoga, movement, bowspring, mobility and functional training, fitness, energy work, breathwork, meditation, nutrition, holistic well-being practices, witchy, hippy, woo woo… All the best things to make your days full of inspired wellness.
Vision: Inspiring people worldwide to rise to their fullest potential, follow their dreams, and find real connection to themselves and each other.
Mission: Create an online community encouraging and cultivating connection with live interactive experiences and offerings to help elevate and expand users potential through movement, healing practices, and conscious culture.
AND! If you want a little 5 day free moving & manifesting challenge… Sign up here: Movers & Manifestors
YouTube: EJ's Seeds Kata
Hida - A Spotify playlist by me!
And if you only listen to two songs today>>>
Beautiful insights... beautiful magic- take what serves and leave the rest. May you always be following what lights you up... and trust that when you do, you will be following your divine purpose, the most magical heart concept we know.

βAnimal Spirit

βMoon Musings & Astrology Insights
Chani | Horoscopes for the Full Moon in Aries
Nylon | Full Moon in Aries by Galaβ
MysticMamma | Aries Full Moon Musings
The Power Path | Full Moon in Aries Update
Moon Woman Astro Forecast | Aries Full Moon | YouTube Full Moon Transmission
Spirit Daughter: When in doubt just remember; you are made of dust, and will return to dust, but also remember you are no ordinary dust. You are made from the ashes of stars. So shine, be a raging fire and do justice to the star you’re made of. - Elsa Siby Jose.
βοΈ FULL MOON IN ARIES βοΈ Your journey. Your path. Your purpose. That’s what this Moon is all about- YOU. Aries represents the energy which started this universe. It’s explosive and full of fire. Aries brings us motivation and the inspiration to find our soul’s purpose. She is the sign of the self and reminds us that when we put ourselves first, everyone around us benefits.
When the Full Moon meets Aries, it’s time to feel what sets you on fire and pursue it with the energy of the Ram. Coming to us amongst Libra Season, this Moon asks: What is your relationship to your passions and your purpose? Have you found your path? Or is awaiting your discovery? Furthermore, what blocks, or distracts, you from pursing the journey which is only yours to take? Feel into the energy of release this Full Moon brings and let go of the thoughts, habits and behaviors which prevent you from taking the first steps needed to live the life of your soul .
Also, bring balance to your partnerships. Ask how each one is supporting your personal journey and how you are supporting the other person in return. Be aware, though, of fiery tempers today. Perhaps write down any thoughts you have for another before speaking them, as this Moon can cause sparks to fly. Instead of directing them to someone else, use them to propel you past your underlying fears and into your future.
Astroccult Full Mβ―β―N in ARIES βοΈ “Full moons are revealing & climactic; with the sun in Libra and the moon in Aries, we’re being asked to create a balance between our personal autonomy vs. our 1:1 relationships. There’s more; the sun and moon will form a challenging T-Square with powerful Pluto at 20 degrees, just days after it stationed direct, making this transformative aspect that much more potent. FYI: Pluto is the Lord of the Underworld; it governs the hidden unconscious & destroys everything it touches. Pluto is a symbol of our hidden power; therefore, this energy can be just as empowering as it is cathartic.β
This Mars-ruled lunation will illuminate your inner warrior & the sun will bring a fearless leader to life, both in your personal life & in your relationships. With shady Pluto in the mix, however, this lunation could also bring revealing truths to the light, especially those buried deep within your subconscious. Have you ever thought about the way you come across to others? Whether you realize it or not, the emotions people trigger within you are a reflection of your inner world. Everyone is a mirror which is why it’s so important to be mindful of the energy you’re projecting. But if you tap into your inner warrior & fearlessly embrace the taboo that exists within you, this full moon could really set you free. The sun and moon will also form a sweet trine to Jupiter, bringing abundance & blessings.β
Mars will also oppose Chiron, the wounded healer; this will awaken the divine warrior within you, in order to help you express anger without inflicting pain on someone through your own projection. Gorgeous Venus will also oppose electric Uranus, and this could either spark a creativity that’s out of this world or a revolution of sorts within your relationships. Choose your battles wisely. A beautiful sextile between Mercury the messenger and dreamy Neptune will not only heighten your intuition, it will also make it easier to express the universal compassion that already exists within you.β
Think back to the new moon in Aries that took place on Apr. 5; this is your full moon moment.” Words by Valerie Mesa
Monthly Update by The Power Path | October: Re-Writing The Story
October 17-23: This is a time of highs and lows. As the container of what is possible is expanding, so are your experiences. As you make room for obscured parts of the old story to come to light, you are also making room for new inspiration, ideas and insights to become available that will guide you in rewriting your story. The discipline will be not to feed the negative, but to acknowledge, accept and neutralize it with the intention of turning your focus over to the inspiring and expansive experience instead. The discipline is also to keep your eye on the goal and not the process of getting there. Many things may not make sense and there may be situations that try and seduce you back into blame and judgment. Don’t go there. Focus instead on the magic that is occurring at the same time and continue feeding those baby steps of our new story.
The characters in your play are changing their roles and may forget their lines now and then. Be patient with the people around you but stay determined in your boundaries at the same time.
October 24-31: The flow loosens up and the universe is giving you exactly what you are writing as your new story. If you don’t like it you can change it. We can be inspired during this time with what is showing up that supports the new story. The discipline is not to believe that what is “out there” is set in concrete. It can all change but it has to start with the personal. Keep those baby steps going, keep reflecting on attachments and keep taking action with discipline and enthusiasm.
Get help and support when you need it. This is like that last mile in a marathon. You can do it. Don’t listen to the small limited ego voice that tries to diminish you and your new story. Keep your spirits high however you need to accomplish it through music, beauty, inspiring friendships, staying positive and feeding the successes and magic you see. This is also a good time to put some real energy into a project that is starting to show promise.
βPodcasts, Articles, Information
The Alchemists Kitchen | Changing Altars: Season of the Witch
The Alchemists Kitchen | The 10 Most Legendary Witches
And Breathe... Gurus Extol the Virtues of Conscious Respiration (this is the breathwork I have been diving deeply into- as a practice and teacher!)
Conscious Connected Breathwork
Podcast: The School of Greatness | Sophia Bush on Speaking Your Truth
Podcast: Manifestation Babe | The Truth About Doing The INNER WORK (what no one is talking about!)

Advanced Training: A weekend intensive to dive deep into your bowspring, body, and heart potential. Look forward to leveling- UP!
This training is for those who are interested in diving deep, expanding in all directions, and growing up, up, and beyond all imagined limitations.
Level two, three, advanced poses: handstands, inversions, arm balances, wall work, twists, binds, and belly yummm... We are getting into it.
Space for 8. This will fill up fast.
Meet me to expand. Together we rise.
More info: Facebook Event Page: Advanced Training | Website: Workshops & Trainings
Questions: [email protected]
See you next year! Advanced booking is open.
Email for info! [email protected]
Facebook Event Page: Revive

10 days of Bowspring bliss in the junglely, beautiful, majestic Sri Lanka!
Bow + Surf Immersion Sri Lanka
Date: February 22 – March 2, 2020
Location: Welligama, Sri Lanka
Accommodation: Green Peace Inn
Space for: 14 guests
What’s included:
- 2 Bowspring classes per day // Handstand workshops
- One free day of exploring
- Group Surf Lesson
- Choice of deep tissue or secret root Ayurvedic full body massage
- Breathwork with Martina & Alex & ME!
- 2 vegan meals daily, with freedom to explore for your 3rd meal
- Beautiful ocean front accommodations
- An amazing group of humans to have an unforgettable getaway with
Facebook Event: Sri Lanka 2020
Loving you all, always!
Elisha Jane
Did you make it this far?
"I am strong and determined.
I move beyond all limitations.
I flow freely and effortlessly forwards."
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