MOON Letter | Virgo New Moon: Earth my body, my heart, my soul
Aug 27, 2022
Essences: Earth + Body, Spirit + Inspiration, Nature, Embodied Wisdom, Planes of Existence, Creation, Routines - Ritual - Rhythm of BEING, energetic densities
Practices: Conscious Connected Breathwork, Earthing, Somatic Groundwork, Devotional Heart Intention + Prayer, Stillness with Nature, Cleansing space + reorganizing & redesigning routine, ritual, and rhythm
↠ My body is my heart is my soul.
↠ Emotional integration impacts my physical manifestation.
↠ Nature is simple, effortless, and moves with ease. Be like nature.
↠ My routines + rituals shape my rhythm.
↠ I embody the energy and emotional tone that I wish to create.
↠ I choose practices that make me feel grounded and vital.
↠ I am one with all.
Happy New Moon in Virgo!
We live in a world that understands all things and ways of being through separation. To understand the light, we must know darkness... To understand hot, we must know cold. The tendency is to over associate and identify ourselves with these degrees of life and ways of being.
We are continuously placing ourselves beneath lines of opinion, belief, and degree, when in reality- we are dancing in a constant flux and spectrum of possibility.
Our cerebral tendencies have us living out mental lives- constantly dissecting, organizing, and analyzing... Continuing to perpetuate this polarized way of living and being.
I suppose- today- it feels important to say: we are all living in a multidimensional spectrum of shades. Nothing is separate, isolated, or removed from anything else.
This life we live is a play on SHADES.
We might think- my emotions are different than my physical body, and my physical body is different than my spiritual essence...
Yet- maybe this was just the mind trying to understand what is incomprehensible through these human eyes.
What if... The vibrational is the same as the emotional is the same as the physical is the same as the spiritual... All just a different density of energy, moving together as one, in many different forms.
Coming back to health, which Virgo exemplifies- the earth, our body, our routines and rituals that serve to support our highest states of being... is to come back to wholeness. To remember that no part of our body, no part of our mind, no part of our emotional experience or spiritual understanding is separate from our holistic, unified being.
We separate to understand, to put in boxes, to differentiate. But this understanding takes us away from our truth. This understanding dismantles the ground with which we are intimately connected to: we are one.
With our earth. With each other. With our thoughts, our emotions... our feelings, sensations, and physical manifestations...
Health is remembering no part of your existence lives in separation- micro to macro.
Health is remembering that what I do to you, I do to me.
Health is remembering the wholeness and interconnectivity that WE ARE in truth.
Coming back to health and well-being- means coming back to the beautiful understanding that as separated as we think we are, it's all an illusion- and to tend to the earth and our body is to tend to the whole universe.
Which is the greatest gift you could give.
Your health, is our health, is universal health.
This oneness- is our truth, is our health, is our heart.
Love Elisha
PS: so many new offerings up below, both online and in person (Victoria + Vancouver Island- scroll down to see or check out: or
PSS: Daily Ritual is shifting things a bit... These are the last 2 weeks you will be able to enter at $44/month AND without moving through our foundational program. PLUS... September first I am adding in a bunch of REALLY dope stuff... This is a space that keeps getting better (ask anyone whose been in there!)... So... Get your bum in there! It's the Moving forward, we will be having new students move through a 6 week foundational program to help students get the strong roots they need to feel good moving in all of our classes. If you are in before this, you'll get this program for free. LOVE YOU
↠ Which of my routines + rituals need an update? Does my morning set me up for peace and mindfulness? Does my evening allow me to regulate and relax?
↠ What practices do I need to integrate into my life to help me find more harmony in my day-to-day proceedings?
↠ What small things can you implement into your day to start to move toward your dreams or visions? “It is to our own detriment that we underestimate the might of small and simple things.” - Richelle E. Goodrich
↠ Am I currently separating my state of being: my emotions from my mind from my body from my spirit? What does it feel like to start to investigate how they are interwoven?
↠ What does it mean to be healthy?
↠ What am I envisioning, wishing for, wanting to create or call in for the next 12 months?
Join my LOCAL Telegram Group | Victoria + Vancouver Island
Stay in the loop about local movement + conscious connected breathwork events that I am hosting- pop up + last minute or more planned! This is where I will post things and try to keep everyone connected.
Your breath is the access point back home to yourself.
Let's journey back there. LOVE YOU
What you are signing up for:
- 10 weekly conscious connected breath sessions
- weekly contemplation, inquiry, questions
- weekly mantra
- beautiful group of loving humans committed to stepping into "the work"
- an opportunity to go inside, for release, integration, understanding, and growth
Meetings will be held online every Friday from 10:30am - 12pm PST
BEGIN: September 30 - END: December 2
BEGINNING: September 27th
ENDING: December 9th
LOCATION: BDHQ - downtown Victoria + Online
>> OPTION ONE: $444 for 20 classes in person + 20 online classes + course
>> OPTION TWO: $333 for 20 classes in person only
What is the practice?
Movement is LIFE.
>> Learn to re-posture and reprogram your body- back to natural alignment, primal forms, and balanced being.
The practice is a living, breathing, moving, adapting, and evolving practice that is in constant emergence, a continuous state of becoming.
The practice is alive.
Just like our body is, just like life is.
The practice is a balance of yin and yang, interweaving the dance between engagement, tone, tension, and attunement with relaxation, softness, gentleness, and receptivity.
A constant conversation and negotiation that is inquiring from the inside out, with devoted presence and awareness.
The Practice is YOU.
This is where we begin. From evolutionary movement patterns to natural alignment and fascial engagement to freedom within our form.
Attune to your body: movement that feels like YUM... Movement that supports you to stay fit, strong, and engaged... Movement that helps you to connect more inside and out.
This is a 10 week series
- 2 live classes per week (hosted at BDHQ on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 7-830pm)
- 2 online Zoom classes per week (recordings available)
- a course that moves you through ideas, concepts, and somatic integration.
- 2 live classes per week for 10 weeks (20 classes total) hosted at BDHQ on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 7-830pm
Email me + E-transfer!
It's DOPE. It's the best way to learn. Your body will heal. I promise.
IN PERSON | LOCAL: Downtown Victoria
LOCATION: BDHQ downtown Victoria, BC
INVESTMENT: $88 for 4 classes/ month pack OR $155 for 8 classes/ 2 month pack
E-Transfer to: [email protected]
(HALF FULL: register if you want a space! + invite your friends!)
- September 2-5: special guest- my co-creator, best friend, and favourite somatic mover/mind muse/mycelium guru: Brittney Clements will be joining me to work the magic of breath and movement for this weekend! (2 spaces left)
- September 9-12: special guest- my dearest friend and my favourite breath facilitator: Jeffrey Waters will be joining to help work the magic of breath! (1 space left)
This event is located in Shawnigan Lake, BC on Vancouver Island at the beautiful space: Grow Wild Retreats
- movement (the best + only kind!)
- practice on the outdoor deck or in the sacred space tipi
- conscious connected breathwork
- ecstatic dance
- cacao ceremony
- giving ceremony (of the practice of Dana)
- delicious farm to table meals from the land
- forest walks for days
- swimming holes
- hugs with new and old friends
- roasting marshmallows + camp fire hangs
- disconnecting tech to RECONNECT to Self!
where the wild things are | info + registration
Work With Me | In Person or Online
LOCAL: Victoria BC, Vancouver Island- able to travel to you or host you.
send an email if you want to inquire about what this could look like!
[email protected] or respond to this email!
I am also opening up applications for mentorship with me beginning September through November.
If you are interested in working with me in a mentorship way, please fill out this form:
- free 2 week trial with membership + cancel anytime
- Unlimited access to live + interactive Zoom classes on a set weekly schedule
- Zoom recordings
- Growing Collection of Pre-Recorded Movement + Meditation Videos (movement classes ranging 15-40 minutes) *NEW*
- All workshops + series + other affiliated offerings at a discount
- Inspired classes designed by movers for movers- check out class styles here!
- Community space to connect with members and teachers + learn lots about the body, alignment, movement, spirit, heart, soul!
A growing collection of pre-recorded movement videos 20-45 minutes long from our teachers on Daily Ritual. **Now included in Daily Ritual Membership!
Energy Cards
Moon + Astrology
The Power Path | New Moon Update
Rising Woman | New Moon in Virgo: What are you devoted to?
Megan McCluer | New Moon Virgo 'Scopes: Aries - Virgo + Libra - Pisces
NEW MOON in VIRGO ::: calls us to return to the wisdom of our clay bodies and our sacred Earth.
She lays her hand upon our brow and the other on our hearts, and reminds us to calm our mental forecasting.
We are at the beginnings of a new cycle. Everything feels different and it is.
The mental highways are moving fast which could psych us out and wear us out before we even begin.
Therefore is not only necessary, but healing, to grab hold of the reins of our minds and spend some time grounding into Mother Earth, dropping into the noble silence, and opening to the “generous present moment,” like Dr. Joe Dispenza so beautifully says.
Before we begin our journey, we must devote to align. Align with how we really feel, with the wisdom of our bodies and the truth of our hearts, and from this place we will know what will move us forward.
Virgo teaches us to refine, to purify to what is essential and at the root. To strip away and cleanse all that is impeding us from keeping our hearts open.
For ultimately WE ARE HERE TO LOVE, over and over again.
Love is the unraveling. It opens the way forward.
Virgo reminds us that is precisely through our loving, that we are in service to all of Life, to the Sacred in all things.
By slowing down and bringing mindfulness to our day to day experiences, by tending to the mundane details with care and devotion, we offer our presence and that is the greatest gift we can offer each other.
It is through the ongoing purification of our devotion to what is essential, that we create new pathways of possibility, healing, and miracles.
With all my heART~
VIRGO NEW MOON Aug 27 1:17AM PDT / Aug 27 10:17AM CEST / Aug 27 6:17PM AEST
Virgo new moon reflections: ‘When I listen to my emotional body and move my physical body, both benefit’ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
The season of practicality is upon us, and officially initiated under this new moon in Virgo. Change is in the air and there are pulls to redefine and assess plans, habits and directions. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
A somewhat careful approach may be required to actioning a plan with Mercury in its shadow period prior to turning retrograde. Remain aware of impulsive behaviour or decisions, pause and feel into something a little longer before taking the next step, giving ourselves space to break habits that don't serve our evolution anymore. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
The connection between the emotional and physical body always have messages for us, let them speak. Digestion is highlighted in Virgo season, mindful consumption can go a long way when we pause, feel and then decide. We can decide what habits to keep and eliminate at any moment, but are supported right now, even if it feels uncomfortable. Feeling stuck: move the body to release tension and unwind the mind. Eased minds, smooth digestion. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
The service of practical planning and thinking is just one of the many gifts Virgo brings. Virgo in its highest form is the divine channeller of the zodiac, open to receiving insight from the heavens and transforming it into practical, grounded systems. This is a great opportunity to clean the windows of our intuition and redefine our practices that support our daily lives. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
Follow what inspires and enlivens. Through tension there is always a release. 'Slow is smooth and smooth is fast' is a phrase I come back to when things feel sped up or there is pressure to make a decision.
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