MOON Letter | Solar Eclipse in Sagittarius: Learning from past, listening with heart, and moving forward in truth

dream big health tips moon letter new moon reflections sagittarius solar eclipse winter solstice Dec 03, 2021



Hi lovers,

Happy new moon solar eclipse in our star spangled Sagittarius!

I didn't always love the seasons... I tried to escape into an eternal summer for at least a few years of my younger life. These days, I can't imagine being anywhere that doesn't hold four seasons. I love and honour each of them so much, their energy and teaching are always necessary- always reminding us of our own true nature and cyclic being.

I was on a run yesterday- it was raining lightly and the air was chill chill baby... And I swear, something I once avoided so much- is now the most invigorating thing I know- Running in the rain and cold- it feels like breathing freedom.

It feels like breathing freedom. This is what I want to feel, all the time.

I just wanted to tell you that.



You probably felt my wounds as I exited a relationship that I had really high hopes for. I shared a few things throughout the past few months that indicated my hurting heart and feelings of loss and anger.

Feelings are never linear... They are wavey and spiraling and up and down. With the heart, while we are upset and processing- sometimes we can't see the gold that is always waiting to be found.

I finally found the gold nuggets in that ending... I will share them with you now.

  1. Never dim your light or hide any part of your truth. Be blindingly, authentically you, even if it means letting go of connection. Truth of being trumps any connection that cannot hold ALL of you.
  2. Through faults and wounds- there are diamonds to be found. The ending of this relationship was a catalyst to personal and collective reconciliation in the realms of partnership, masculine and feminine energies, and sexuality. I am creating from a point of awareness that is so personal, so profound, and so collectively held. It feels important. It feels alive in me! I am excited! This is a new beginning in more ways than one!
  3. Always listen to your intuition, even if you don't want to, maybe especially if you don't want to. Your intuition will not always speak the words you want to hear, but it will always direct you toward your greatest prosperity.
  4. It's possible that your reflection of their wounds is too confronting. It's possible that their wounds are too deep for you to heal. It's possible that it's enough to understand and allow them their process with or without you. It is not always you, sometimes it really is them.
  5. I thought what I had was what I wanted... But when I step back, it wasn't right. And this leads me to greater TRUST. I trust that the Universe is guiding me perfectly. So... allowing and having complete faith in this unfolding- is so beneficial. In relationships, in business, in life! 


All of this to say... On this dark moon... Total eclipse... We are gifted this beautiful opportunity to go inward... To look to our past, to our patterns, to the puzzles of our lives... To see what new wisdom is to be found- to make sure we are aligned... to discern better ways forward with this information. Ways forward that keep us in our greatest integrity- that keep us tethered to our highest truths.

Sometimes while we are IN THE MUD... It's hard to see that it's from the MUD that these damn lotuses bloom! With patience, with contemplation, with introspection, with time- we find there are so many diamonds- especially in the places that crack our hearts open.

So... What does it take to allow your heart to crack open? RISKS! It is the bravest thing to give our heart, to try something new, to open and surrender to the flow to life! And this is what this moon feels like it's asking us to do. Take a risk... Let go... and go for it.

This moon feels beautiful to me. It feels expansive and pioneering. It feels dynamic and fiery. It feels alive- with new ways to move forward that are in our highest alignment.

It is my suggestion, to myself and to each of you- that we take this time to look to our past... To see where we have been allowing our emotions and desires to run the show- and to step back, become a witness to our patterns and madness... To release ourselves from the raw desires that seem to pull us away from our core- so that we may discern and choose new paths that feel resonant with our truth. Taking the information and using discernment + integrity to pull us back to our most aligned way forward. And listening through the heart... Really listening deeply through the heart... Through the power of empathy. Where we release the concept of being separate and fully embody our unity.

The future is bright... And the magic of this time and space is our potential to create new realities. Let's listen and lead from the heart... And look to our past to learn and make real changes that tap us back into our integrity... Back into who we really want to be.

I might be rambling now... But I love you.

My download is scattered... but so am I- So perhaps it's a night of spaghetti and meditation for me...

Sweet dreams!

Love you!


Love Elisha


Health tips for this month:

This month, I feel energy and frequency is ON... I feel it. I feel it in myself and I feel it in the world. We need to be grounding ourselves and detoxing!

I have dipped into some rabbit holes of the ways in which energy and frequency are impacting us, EMF radiation etc.

It's time to regulate our nervous systems and balance our energy!

  • Breath! - conscious connected breathing... focusing on full, belly, heart breathing.
  • Get into nature... Breathe in these places fully! Put your hands on the ground, on trees, connect to nature. Feet on the ground- ground yourself, balance your electromagnetic charge.
  • Move your body. Every. Single. Day. (need a community? Move with us online at  
  • Shake. Shake your body. Jump up and down. Let yourself go wild, let yourself get loose.
  • Tone: make noise. Use your voice. Yell, scream, moan, buzz, hum, make noise!
  • Disconnect: give yourself social breaks, computer breaks, technology breaks. We are so connected, take space.
  • Meditate. Calm your mind.
  • Run... Walk... Hike. In silence.
  • Sauna! Sweat it out.
  • Cry. Bath. Get into the ocean. Water heals.
  • Allow yourself to rest. Like really... No guilt, no shame... Take a nap, read a book, sit and do nothing... Just BE.





to have faith is to believe unconditionally

I'm in love with the MOON

In your darkness, I surrender I traverse my insides I feel it all

In your brightness, I’m lit like ember I dance and howl I lose control

In your rhythm, I re-member All the parts of myself Fragments to whole

In your perfection, I find my reflection I’m simply in love with the moon

Love Elisha


I made a movement video for the moon... LOVE YOU!





As we meet the darkest day of the year, we tend to our inner flames, to our sacred heart, to our love light.


Please join me in the darkness to re-member our light in community.


A slow yang practice, breathwork, and yin... A space to contemplate, reflect, and share.

  • When: Saturday, December 18, 2021
  • Time: 10am PST
  • Duration: 2 hours
  • Location: Zoom Online
  •   or free for Daily Ritual Members


Want to become a member of Daily Ritual?  




Casting through shadow, we re-member our fragmented parts of Self and integrate shadow into light. An exploration of nature, rhythm, sexuality, and sisterhood. 

Britt and I are diving into the realms of sex, love, and magic!

We see and feel a dire need for women to circle up. There is so much healing available to us when we share, resonate, connect, and create sisterhood heart centric communities.

This offering will be 3 months long, bi-monthly with the new and full moons.

You will:

  • learn your female anatomy
  • become aware of the phases of your cycle and sync back up with your natural rhythms
  • investigate masculine and feminine energetic dynamics within yourself and the world
  • relearn the feminine frequency of Receiving
  • magnetize your desires through body and heart listening
  • remember your creative energy through the power of your Yoni
  • reawaken sensitivity and express your truth through your Yoni-Throat portal/channel
  • create meaningful connections with other women who are on a path of empowerment, love, and healing
  • share your truth in a safe container
  • learn from the shared + innate wisdom of each other


A reconciliation of true partnership, bridging the maternal, matriarchal, matrix of matter with the paternal, patriarchal, patterns of existence.


This is launching soon + we begin January 2022! A space for 11 women to connect, to share, support, understand, and love each other.

We hope you will join us! 





I have created a to find all of my Vimeo offerings!

is perfect for those who want consistent pre-recorded classes ranging from 20-75 minutes.

is the GO TO for learning to develop your glutes, heal your pelvic floor, and begin to rebalance the body- front to back!

... Is coming soon! I will begin working on this now that the summer is coming to a close. This will be a great space to learn basics, heal, and restore!

- I am going to create a one time purchase for this series that will teach you to... move like meow! Coming soon!

... While I don't teach Bowspring anymore, this is a great information resource for anyone who wants to understand some concepts that I work with in my classes! It is an older offering, so my teaching and ideas have changed a lot. Nonetheless, it is a great little offering with tonnes of content and classes!

Find all of my offerings  




Things I love










“To be beautiful means to be yourself. You don't need to be accepted by others. You need to accept yourself. When you are born a lotus flower, be a beautiful lotus flower, don't try to be a magnolia flower. If you crave acceptance and recognition and try to change yourself to fit what other people want you to be, you will suffer all your life. True happiness and true power lie in understanding yourself, accepting yourself, having confidence in yourself.” // Thich Nhat Hanh




Are you ready to ascend to the next stage of your story?

What is coming to completion in your life?

The Fool

Am I ready to take this quantum leap?

What new opportunities are presenting in your life?

9 of Cups

How can I learn to celebrate the gifts and connections? | I treasure and nurture the precious moments.

How does this light put everything into perspective? | I acknowledge the gifts and strengths in my life.


Monthly Energy Updates



December Ascension Energy Forecast and Light Language DNA Activation with Jamye Price 2021 


Moon + Astrology


















♐️ SOLAR ECLIPSE IN SAGITTARIUS ♐️⁠ Tomorrow we have our Solar Eclipse and final New Moon of 2021. This Eclipse is an invitation to say goodbye to anything that limits you, prevents you from taking a leap, or that doesn't resonate with your truth. As we near the end of 2021, ask yourself: What if you were told anything was possible? What would you do? What if you were guaranteed the best-case scenario would always unfold? What leaps would you take? What if all of your fears dissolved in an instant? Who would you be?⁠ ⁠ Align with this Eclipse to find the courage to make your dreams even bigger. As you set your intentions on this New Moon, align with the arrow bursting from Sagittarius’s bow and fly your highest. Feel this wave of energy catapulting you into your future self, who is anxiously awaiting to greet you. Sagittarius teaches us that the journey is always greater than the destination. It is on the path we learn, evolve, and encounter lessons that shape us into our best selves. Every turn, every twist, is there for a reason, and the reason is you.⁠ ⁠ As you work with this Eclipse's energy, know there is an element of release and one of a new beginning. Let yourself begin to process the past year as you integrate the lessons. Then position your eyes forward to the future. See the unlimited possibilities available to you if you are willing to take a chance on yourself and embrace adventures aligned with your magic. Enjoy this time, it is positive and invites us to focus on the good. Have gratitude for where you are, and see the good in your life. ⁠



New Moon & Solar Eclipse in Sagittarius, December 3~

Welcome to this final Bold New Moon of the year, here to remind us of all of the lessons we have learned, and how we can integrate them into our lives. How we can truly and fully embody our truth. We have sat in our own shadows and gazed deeply into the mirror within. We have reckoned with our own biases, our values, with what motivates and inspires us. We are now ready to be revealed by the light. Sagittarius reminds us that the best adventures are fueled by honesty and an open mind, but also require some form of discipline in order to pull them off.

 That when you connect your truth to your path, your path connects you to your truth. What you seek is seeking you.

When you move through the world authentically, with an eagerness to learn, to grow, to explore and be inspired, the road opens up for you. Are you willing to trust yourself, to dive into uncharted territory? Those who take that leap are rewarded. Nothing teaches you more about yourself, and gives you a better understanding of the world, than letting go of all prejudices and biases and insecurities, and just going for it. The bigger your worldview, the more possibilities you can see strewn out before you. The better chance you have of discovering which ones are for you. An open mind gathers more than a closed mind ever could. No one is going to force you to take your next bold move. You are responsible for your own initiation. If you don't go for it, you will never know what is out there waiting for you. You will have to make do with whatever has been handed to you. So go. Let your curiosity and your inspiration guide you. Trust that they will lead you to your sense of purpose. Take that leap of faith. The net will appear. I promise. -jen fountain


Magic Of I

Sagittarius new moon total solar eclipse
Dec 3 11:43PM PDT / Dec 4 6:43PM AEDT
Total solar eclipse: 11:33PM PDT / 6:33PM AEDT

(Incorrectly listed in the planner)
Sagittarius new moon reflections: ‘I embody knowledge, I expand through exploring the farthest reaches of the mind’
This new moon total solar eclipse (totality in Antarctica) wraps up the nodes' transit through Gemini and Sagittarius, a completion of a big cycle.
For the last 18 months we have lived in a particular constructed reality. One battle: between truth and media, what a bizarre reveal of our information ecology.
As co-creators of reality, we sometimes forget the power we have to shift and change the world. Beliefs create systems, systems form structures & attract, and a movement is born.
Rather than being fed your reality, what will you create? What has been imposed that does not fit any longer? What has been absorbed, that when you feel deeply into, doesn’t actually align with who you truly are or what you believe?
Drop into your wisdom and get clear on a vision that has been floating in and out for a while. Solidify it and send it in motion.
This new moon eclipse is a powerful pause to reflect on what to release from the past, and get clear on what you want in the future as we transition into a different space.
If you don't feel like DOING, just BE STILL with awareness + listen, watch, observe, be receptive. Trust in your process & honour it. This space that is being created lays seed to new constructs, new visions. Point the arrow and shoot, leaving a trail to follow when the way is not clear.
Continue with daily practices, ground, meet differences with kindness, and be open to new ideas and opinions.
If you are like me (and impacted by a Neptune cloud) this solar eclipse is a pause, for listening, feeling, waiting for clarity. And then, whoosh, so it shall be.

Then: living it.

Eclipse blessings.







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