silence is golden

silence Aug 02, 2022

What is it about silence that is so uncomfortable? Why is it that we are constantly trying to avoid the space of stillness and quiet- and filling it with noise, distractions, and fluff?

Silence is bliss when you are connected to your body.

The body is a highly attuned, deeply sensitive sensory system, constantly absorbing, integrating, and assimilating information from our environment. This information is sensed and felt- without words.

When we are disconnected from our body, from our felt-sense awareness, we don’t have the capacity to be with the fullness of our experience in a present way. Our body will be on high alert, disconnected from what we are feeling- and our best resources to deal with this are to numb, control, and sedate.

And so we fill the space with words- not for the sake of speaking important things but for the sake of avoiding the discomfort of silence that leaves us alone with our body- to sense and feel it all.

Feeling is the big work. Breathing is the pathway to feeling and connecting more intimately with your body and your surroundings.

As you begin to reconnect with your present moment experience of Being, with curiosity and openness, the need for words, fillers, and distractions melts away.
The experience becomes directly felt, integrated, and surrendered to- and the subtleties of sensation come alive.

This is the presence of being in silence, in stillness, with yourself.
To find your way here requires a reverent connection to your Self, your body, your soul- Where magic lives in listening from within.


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