Scarcity Versus Abundance in Crisis | 2020 Pandemic
Apr 03, 2020
Dear healers, movers, preachers, meditators, energy workers, yogis, breathers...
We were born for these times. You came here to shine bright, to be the light. This is your mission, it has been and it still remains. Do not lose sight.
Recently, I read something that didn't feel right. It spoke to healers and yogis giving away too much for free, consequently deflating the value and worth of their product, even the whole wellness industry. These words preached to maintain product costs, to stand strong behind monetary worth. It spoke in fear and scarcity: if this continues- this free and giving and generosity: the whole yoga industry will crumble and collapse: our products and value will be in a state of ill health.
We are in a global crisis. Many people are experiencing great loss, foundations crumbling; their whole lives are being forever changed.
This is not the time to mandate costs of services, to sit in the seat of greed and gain. Scarcity mindset, fear, and greed have and will never lead to abundance, success, and love.
Dear teachers, dear healers, dear light beings: you are so valued. You are so important. And you are supported. If you feel so inclined to offer your services for free or at a discount during these times of chaos and uncertainty: thank you for your light, thank you for your generosity.
If you are not in a position where that is sustainable, feels good, or possible: I hope you are supported in the ways you need. Please reach out if you need help, we are all here to help.
My wish is that we can all trust that we know our own value and worth, and that we are able to discern when to charge for our services and when to give in kindness and love.
Remember why you are here. Remember your point. Please take a moment to sit back into your heart. This is not a time to focus on financial prosperity and wealth. This is a time to move heartward, to help each other, to be of service, and to trust: you are supported.
Your work is necessary and needed, especially now. Give, share, and be generous with your offerings. Your students need you. They look to you: to ground and heal, to inspire, lift, and love. This is the time we learn to move back into the spaces we have lost sight. Move back into the feminine, the care-giving, the mother, the healer. Move back into the balance of giving and receiving. Of yielding and proceeding. Please share, please care.
Light beings: we didn't come into this industry to make millions, we came in this industry to serve, to love, to heal, and to show up and care. Let's not lose sight of this, especially when it matters most.
Remember why you are here. Remember your point.
Come back into your heart: the world depends on this now. Please remember.
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