New Moon in Aquarius: Expanding into Possibility | MOON Letter + Updates
Jan 24, 2020

Hi beauties!
I want to keep this short... Mostly because I want to make Jenna's first class online at Daily Ritual at 4pm PST.
I love you all... So much goodness is showering down on me lately- in surprising and magical ways, and I just want to extend my gratitude outward... Thank you for being here- it really feels so special to have a tribe... many who I have not yet met... Thank you for your support, for your presence, and for being behind this email with your attention and care.
I see you-
Have a beautiful weekend. Be in nature, imagine your dream life, and trust that it's not so far out of your reach... You just gotta believe.
Loving you!
Daily Ritual has been born!
Dearest lovers in my world- introducing you this amazing work of art... So grateful to Adam, my web developer for helping me put this dream to real life. I know the potential has just begun- doors are opening everywhere- the possibilities are amazing... EXCITING!
If you crave more movement, nourishment, love, connection, soul enriching, spirit nourishing practices in your life- join us!
Memberships are at an introductory rate, which will be grandfathered in as long as you decide to stay. We hope you will consider making this a part of your daily ritual... Connecting with beautiful souls globally- for the health and wellness of us all.
Daily Ritual Loves You!
We can't wait to move, breathe, meditate, flourish, and expand in all directions- with you!
See you soon!
Inquiry: How can I focus on the positive light in this moment? How can I bask in the love that surrounds me?
I relax into love and bliss.
I treasure the moments that fill my cup.
Lovers... I love when I pull the 10 of all suits... May you feel the love that is within you and all around you- above and below!
I love you... so so so!
Blessings on this New Moon, may you plant all the most prosperous, beautiful seeds... and may they be nourished within the most potent, nutrient rich soil- so that they may grow, grow, grow! Dream big, always- and never stop believing. The magic lives in the trusting. xoxo
Hush: A Spotify Playlist by Me xoxo
Podcasts + Articles
Mind Your Business Podcast | Episode 319: Qualities of a BADASS Coach
The Ghee Spot | The Power of Subtle Pleasure
The Alchemist Kitchen | 5 Secrets for Great Sex
Moon Musings + Astrology
Mystic Mamma | NEW MOON in Aquarius | January 24, 2020
The Moon Woman | Moon in Aquarius
Nylon | New Moon in Aquarius | A Reminder That All Things Pass
The Hood Witch | New MOON in Aquarius
The Alchemist Kitchen | Aquarius New Moon: Glimpses of an Unwritten Future
The Alchemist Kitchen | January Horoscopes with Yarusha Jimenez
“she lives in a world of her own imagination, where reality is what she makes it and the only thing holding her back is herself.
fueled by stardust and a vision of the future,
she leaves a trail of magic as she dances to her own rhythm never stopping to conform to anyone’s expectations but her own.”
The first New Moon of 2020 greets us tomorrow in the energy of Aquarius. It’s time to feel into your energy and understand that what you put out there you’re attracting back in. It’s also a time to be you and have your frequency reflect your truth. Aquarius is an air sign who moves to her own rhythm, unfazed by other’s opinions or comments that come her way. She is on a mission to define herself, then define the world around her.
When the Moon meets Aquarius inspiration rains down from the stars. Feel into this, open yourself to new information about who you are, who you want to be, and who you need to create during this next lunar cycle. Aquarius reminds us to expand and open our mind. Stretch your imagination beyond it’s current limits and challenge yourself to not only dream bigger, but dream differently.
Aquarius also teaches us to accept ourselves, even if others can’t see our perspectives. Her New Moon is a time to see every angle of yourself. Then love all of them and know that this self acceptance serves as a model. Feel into how you can lead others by living in your highest vibration, starting with nothing but love for yourself. How can you vibrate higher? Away from judgment, anger and guilt? Towards love, compassion and acceptance. Make a commitment, and a plan, to shift your frequency day by day. Commit to changing the energy around you instead of absorbing it. Then from this higher vibration attract the impossible.
NEW MOON in AQUARIUS :: The new moon is exact at 7:42am AEST in the reformative sign of Aquarius on Saturday 25th Jan. On this day, we also welcome in the Chinese New Year and the year of the Metal Rat.
The New Moon in Aquarius will make a conjunction with the witty messenger - Mercury and Uranus (Aquarius’s ruling planet) share a very important relationship with one other that is totally worth noting here. This is a mad/melodious meeting of the minds my friends - both the lower and higher octaves of our intelligence are about to par-tay. While Mercury is a personal planet that takes governance over perception, communication, and rationalization, Uranus amplifies these qualities and raises awareness on a futuristic, Universal scale. It transcends the superficial and subjective cerebral realms and expands consciousness through revolutionary processes.
There is an insatiable desire to think big - to understand our reasoning and look for the best outlet for expression during this new moon. We may discover very quickly that there’s a fine line between genius and insanity in the midst of making imperative improvements, Write, talk, and share your ideas. The forecast is electric - a lightening bolt could hit the ground and change our whole interpretation of the world in a nano second. We might all agree that a sudden, thrilling reshaping is well overdue after a long, inert month spent in total shock watching political foundations fall and the country burn on the telly. Hold onto your hats ‘cause that moment of clarity is coming hard at us. It’s time to make changes. With the Moon making a disagreeable square to Uranus, embrace the unpredictable and rewire your daily systems. Whether we like it or not, the future depends on us reinventing the way we are living in the present.
Aquarius is drawn toward the unknown. This fixed-air sign is eccentric, curious, logical, and innovative. There is defiance, rebellion, impulsiveness, mental turbulence and insensitivity during this transit. No tissues needed. Use your knowledge as an anchor, and your imagination as a bridge. Envision something extraordinary that’ll revolutionize your world. Progression is key 🖤
Last chance to hop on this EPIC trip of transformation and delicious delight...
2 spaces left... Take a ride on the wild side, and meet us in the jungle!
10 days of Bowspring bliss in the junglely, beautiful, majestic Sri Lanka!
DATES: FEBRUARY 22, 2020 – MARCH 2, 2020
Space for 14 people
- 2 Bowspring classes per day // Handstand workshops
- One free day for exploring!
- Group surf lesson
- Choice of deep tissue or secret root Ayurvedic full body massage
- Breath work with Martina and Alex and ME!
- 2 vegan meals daily, with freedom to explore for your 3rd meal
- Beautiful ocean front accommodations
- An amazing group of humans to have an awesome getaway with
Facebook Event Link: Bow | Surf | Breathe
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