MOON Letter | Libra New Moon: We are a portal into ourselves through each other
Sep 26, 2022
Essences: relationship, love, reflection, I see me through you, beauty, reciprocity
Practices: intention setting, conscious breathwork, craniosacral therapy, somatic groundwork, flower teas + witchy brews
↠ Into me I see, through you.
↠ We are a portal into ourselves through each other.
↠ My closest relationships reflect the most.
↠ My vulnerability invites authenticity.
↠ It's safe to let people love me. see me. know me.
Happy New Moon in Libra my beautiful soul bunnies!
The mirror of truth and recognition reflects strongly within our most significant relationships. This intimacy is raw and translucent in nature, and oftentimes packed with the potency of vulnerability and direct requirements of authenticity. The ones we allow in are the clearest portal through which we can truly see and know ourselves.
I proclaim to be happiest alone, a hermit, and a solitary being- and I AM.
And, within this space I find peace and simplicity- the ease of not being faced with myself through another. To be alone and to resist the truth that intimacy of relationship brings is to take the easy path of least resistance. The path through which you don't have to face the possibility of meeting your light or your shadow, your friend or your foe.
It was reflected to me that perhaps- I shy away from getting too close as a form of protection- the closer you let someone in, the more they see, the more they reflect, and possibly- the more they reject. To keep people far away at bay is to keep yourself safe- safe from closeness, safe from intimacy, safe from being hurt, pushed away, or abandoned.
Sometimes, we will even manifest ways that sabotage ourselves from attaining or maintaining closeness with another... All in an *unconscious* attempt to protect ourselves from being hurt- from seeing truth, from having to face ourselves with full accountability.
It's easy to see it, to understand it, to know it consciously- but much harder to truly let another in. Letting someone in with full reciprocity of heart and being- is terrifying. This kind of relationship- the real, raw, naked kind- requires so much trust.
Trust that we are enough. Trust that we can hold ourselves, love ourselves, support ourselves- no matter what. Trust that we will choose those who can tend, nurture, and care for our tender hearts...
To show up in relationship- to be so true- is to stand naked before another and lean into being seen as you are.
The most humbling recognition we can receive is to be loved for exactly who we are- through another, in trust, in divinity.
And so- I honour you. I see you. I love you. I hold you- as you are.
Because I am you.
May we always tend sweetly to the inner gardens of our hearts and take good care of the seeds we plant in others.
Thank you Libra for your eye of beauty and recognition of ourselves through each other.
Love Elisha
>>> Gentle Mercy | Spotify Playlist
>>> Good Morning Dance Dance | Ecstatic Dance Playlist by ME!
↠ What do your closest relationships tell you about yourself?
↠ Is it easy for you to allow people into your world? If not, have you considered any hidden reasons why?
↠ Are you open to seeing yourself through another?
↠ Are you blocking yourself from true partnership, intimacy, or relationship either consciously or unconsciously?
↠ What do you need in order to feel safe in relationships?
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This New Years celebrate something different. Fuck the resolutions, fancy dinners, and dropping balls. Choose YOU instead. Let what needs to burn, burn. You have everything you need inside of you. We will breathe, &move &dance &nourish &love &pray
Your breath is the access point back home to yourself.
Let's journey back there. LOVE YOU
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- an opportunity to go inside, for release, integration, understanding, and growth
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BEGIN: September 30 - END: December 2
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Energy Cards
Moon + Astrology
The Power Path | Full Moon Update
Megan McCluer | New Moon in Libra 'Scopes: Aries - Leo & Virgo - Pisces
Rising Woman | New Moon in Libra: Spiritual Insight Into Your Relationships
There is a synergy, a sympathetic resonance, and an entrainment of our hearts that occurs when we meet others whose vibration is an energetic match to ours. There is a fire that is ignited, a celebration, and joy in the coming together with kin. We are relational creatures.
This Libra NEW MOON is bringing many shimmering reflections for us…
Following the turning of the wheel with the Equinox, she heralds new beginnings, and echoes the teachings of restoring balance as a way to bring more harmony into our lives.
Oh Venus ruled Libra,
you help us recognize that LIFE is a give and take
revealing to us where we have been out of balance
your sword of truth brings clarity
it helps us to return
to uphold the sacred law
of reciprocity
that brings all things
into right~relation
the beauty way of harmony
required in our blending
the secret ingredient in our loving
which allows all things to blossom
to their fullest potential
brings us back into right~relation
with all things
LIBRA NEW MOON ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
Sep 25 2:54PM PDT / Sep 25 11:57PM CEST / Sep 26 7:54AM AEST ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
Libra new moon reflections: ‘When I broaden horizons within my relationships, I welcome more truths to exist within’ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
Mercury retrograde has successfully whisked off the ability to focus, and as Libra season rolls around I'm softening into that more and allowing it to just be what it is with a chuckle. There's only so many times you can correct errors in a message before you give in and send it anyway, with all the imperfections. We are in a change cycle as the equinox marks the turning of the seasons and Libra greets us with more of a sweetness after the practicality and re-evaluation period Virgo just initiated us through - with 6 retrograde planets in tow. Not super-smooth-flowing-at-all, and with more 're's' to come. Re-align, re-balance, re-flect, re-connect and re-design as Mercury continues its re-wind until Oct 2nd. This Libra new moon marks new beginnings as the wheel turns, and invites more balance that may be needed after a bit of an up-and-down month. We are exactly half way through the astrological year, initiated by Aries (opp Libra) when some of us set intentions, so it is the perfect time to revisit and reevaluate those. Sink into the ones that you are most drawn to, that light you up and make your heart sing. What truth lies there for you? What needs to be put aside for the best ones to come to life? Libra brings more creativity and a focus on all things relational, but we are not out of the fog just yet, so tread consciously and use this time to expand your awareness of the grey areas, by seeing the contrasts. Equinox and new moon blessings.
The New Moon in Libra greets us early tomorrow and it’s all about RELATIONSHIPS. Our relationship with ourself, with others, with work, with our bodies, with our voices and even with society. It’s all on the table for us to look at and decide what is working for our evolution and what is limiting it. Then with the help of the Moon, we can write intentions that will call in the energy needed to create true balance in our lives- the kind of balance that makes our soul content. Before looking at our relationships, the first gift of this New Moon is finding your center. Libra reminds us that we always have the power to calm ourselves. We can always take a deep breath and find ourselves no matter the chaos around us. Once we find our center, we find our power and the ability to decide which relationships feel co-dependent or filled with drama versus which ones feel aligned and supported. With Mercury Retrograde this New Moon, there is an opportunity for deeper conversations of the soul. As you look honestly at your relationships, ask yourself how you are showing up. Is it in love and beauty with the best intentions, or is there underlying guilt, shame or resentment? Are you honoring the magic in another person with compassion and having patience when needed? Are you remembering we are all mirrors for each other? What within you needs realignment for you to meet another person in harmony?
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