Libra Super New Moon: Calling in Commitment to Self | MOON Letter + Updates
Oct 16, 2020

This morning, the weather is moody... dark, brewing clouds, it's for sure going to rain! I love these days... They feel internal, quiet, and reflective. Which is just perfect for a New Moon.
Today, we honor the New Moon in Libra- a sign representing harmonious balance and relationship.
As we take a moment to reflect on our lives, today I bring forward the contemplation of commitment and relationship.
The relationship we cultivate with ourselves is the most important for it is from this place of awareness and love that we are able to move with ease, grace, and confidence through all of our other relationships. We are in relationship with everything; our friends, family, partners, children... Our plants, animals, beautiful mama earth... Our job, business, food, environment... And, dare I say- the quality of these relationships is a direct reflection of the quality of our relationship to ourselves. What we are inside, is what we have outside. If we don't have what we want externally, we better start to work on what is missing internally.
I always come back to love. I often say: self love is the golden ticket... As soon as you cultivate this quality for yourself, you have found the magic carpet to ride through life with freedom, compassion, and peace. Life is good when you love yourself. You create boundaries that support your highest being. You say no to anything that doesn't feel good. You attract amazing people, opportunities, and experiences into your life.
When we break this all down... The most valuable commitment we can honor is the one we have to ourselves. For it is from this place of truth and awareness that we hold space for all other relations in our life.
And so today, I bring forward for contemplation:
- What are you committed to?
- Do these commitments serve you in the most high vibrational ways?
- Are there relationships to release at this point?
- What new relationships do you wish to cultivate?
It's been a minute since I have written you a MOON LETTER!
I hope this moon finds you in a perfect place to tend to your inner garden: pull out those weeds and plant those beautiful seeds.
Love you all so fucking much.
Love Elisha
All My Relations 🙏
We live because everything else does.
"I've been considering the phrase 'all my relations' for some time now. It's hugely important. It's our saving grace in the end. It points to the truth that we are all related, that we are all connected, that we all belong to each other. The most important word is 'all.' Not just those who look like me, sing like me, dance like me, speak like me, pray like me, or behave like me. ALL my relations. That means every person, just as it means every rock, mineral, blade of grass, and creature. We live because everything else does. If we were to choose collectively to live that teaching, the energy of our change of consciousness would heal each of us- and heal the planet."
- Richard Wagamese
Take what resonates, leave the rest. These cards are always magical and potent in their offerings...
Love you all!
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Intuitive Astrology | Libra Super New Moon October 2020
A Super New Moon greets us tomorrow in the harmonious sign of Libra. Libra is the sign of the scales and reminds us that life swings in many directions. This may be the energy of balance, but it teaches us what to do when we feel unbalanced and misaligned. Libra helps us restore our sense of calm and reclaim our center even when the world around us feels chaotic.
This New Moon has many energies influencing it, but the main one is a question around commitment. Libra gives us the opportunity to define our relational space and the energies we connect with in our life. This includes the relationship with ourselves, with others, with work, with our bodies, with our voices, and even with society. It’s all up for evaluation, and in doing so, we are given a chance to create balance- real balance. The kind that takes work to develop but feels like the most blissful state once you find it.
This New Moon asks what relationships define your life and which ones you want to define your future? Feel into your priorities and move past any drama or codependency to create partnerships that inspire you to rise to another level.
Take this time to look at what you are connecting with daily. Where is your energy going, and do your passions feel nourished in return? Also, look at your most intimate relationships and ask if they are balanced with equal energy exchange. Mars, Saturn, and Pluto add their energy to this New Moon, placing focus on what motivates us to transform our commitments. Feel this energy helping you find the answers you seek and create your visions for the next Lunar Cycle.
New Moon in Libra 🌙🤍
Welcoming in a new lunar cycle with the sweet moon in Libra! A time to celebrate the special people in your life and honour them for all of their gifts and differences - Libra teaches us to appreciate paradox and contrast - that’s why they can sometimes find themselves in the middle ;). This New Moon is exact this evening at 9:30pm Berlin time (CET). BUT there is still some major aspects happening that will challenge the harmony of this New Moon.
This Moon squares the Capricorn stellium, specifically Pluto and opposes Mars RX in Aries. This T-Square will find us being tested to hold our ground and stay in our truth - all with the intention of bettering our relationship to self, others and the world. The beauty of Libra’s diplomacy teaches us how to open our hearts and minds to the way of others.
Similar to my post yesterday, we are all being tested at the moment to ensure we aren’t sacrificing what is best for our heart and soul for the sake of superficial connection and validation. How can we all act in a way that will create genuine serenity for the future. What are your actions energetically communicating to the universe? Self-depreciation or self-empowerment. Anyways, we don’t need to worry about the details - Pluto has come to town and will always manifest cataclysmic lessons, in the form of ego deaths, that support our highest good. This T-Square is challenging the ‘safety’ of our ego identity.
This New Moon offers the potential for a mini rebirth. How can you set your intentions accordingly? To honour the timelessness of your soul rather than momentary comfort.
Love ripples, I hope you feel supported and loved- today and always. Thank you for being in my world.
Love Elisha
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