It Is An Honour To Walk Beside You
Nov 08, 2022
A wave of emotion began and upon it rode an unraveling story of realizations laden with heartbreak. These emotions rose up and carried with them new levels of understanding. And, while these messages carried with them deep heartache, they simultaneously were the most essential illumination that I have received to date.
The question was: what is love?
And through it, I learned all the ways that I had compromised myself- my body, mind, heart, and soul- in some desperate attempt to hold onto connection and try to make love flow.
The relationships that I entertained in the past were not pure of heart or intention. In fact, they lacked any intention or conscious choice at all. I saw so clearly why all my past relationships failed, and I also saw the only way for true love to exist.
Hiding parts of myself, changing parts of myself, molding and shaping to fit someone else- has been a pattern of mine- a compromising of myself to be with another. In my mind, it felt right- of course- relationships require compromise. But, I had this confused. Yes, relationships require compromise, but not of the Self. If a relationship requires you to compromise yourself, you are building upon inauthentic ground.
I felt how all the romantic loves that I had experienced in the past would have never been right, they were fake and untrue in some aspect or another. They were built upon pretense and potentials, and void of the truth.
I saw my heart. Again, more tears- to witness the brilliance, the blinding light and perfection of my heart and my love. I was shown just how sacred my heart is, and how precious it is to know and hold this love.
The message, “it is an honour to walk beside you,” came through. And I realized just how profound this concept is. It invokes just how sacred, holy, and true someone must hold you, and you them. I realized, I have never felt this way for someone else. To hold them in such high regard, with total respect, admiration, and deep reverence… To be so proud and unconditionally loving to them as they are- and I realized, I have never experienced this from another, too.
It is an honour to walk beside you. To exalt your perfection, to lift you, love you, to walk this path of ups and downs.
I realized that true love is chosen, intentional, and committed. For a woman to exalt her man, she needs the safety, protection, and strength that he holds. To hold her in all her phases, her worst to her best… And hold her as though she were gold.
So this kind of love is uncompromising. It rises to meet this space of nobility. It walks forward in truth, honesty, integrity, and devotion. It is chosen and intentional- a conscious choice to be and love another.
And I felt in my cells, I will never compromise myself again. And I will not settle until I find a love this true. A love that builds on purity of heart, intention, and commitment.
I will not settle until I find the person who I can speak to the whole world: it is an honour to walk beside you, and for them to feel this same way about me.
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