MOON Letter | Full Moon in Gemini: joy is an act of rebellion
Dec 18, 2021
Today, my cup is overflowing full.
I was honoured to spend time with some of my favourite humans this morning- we shared our hearts, moved our bodies, and ended with a connected breath bite. It's amazing how nourished we are when we get to connect with our people.
This morning the sky was full of rain... And, I actually love it. I really, really love the rain and winter days. It's like it gives me permission to stay in and focus on whatever I have in front of me: work, tea, a book... It's permission to be inward. I think we need that sometimes.
And like magic- the clouds cleared midday- in perfect timing for some outdoor play. I went to the lake near my house and ran through muck and mud and puddles. The sky was blue, but the earth spoke of A LOT of rain. Just before the sun slipped behind the trees... I saw a lady standing with arms open toward the sun. I thought- I need that medicine too. So I stopped running and stood with my arms open facing the sun and allowed the sunshine to absorb into me. Like a flower to the light, I opened myself to the radiance and breathed.
I don't know why this felt so important. It literally lit me up inside. It was like icing on a beautiful cake... It felt like perfection.
Today was beautiful. The connection. The rain. The sunshine. The running. The dirt. All of it. I think, sometimes- we need to remember that everything really is OK... Everything REALLY is perfect. Truly.
As we creep closer and closer toward the darkest days of the year... I think it's important to find JOY. To find the things that allow you to pause. To breathe. To BE. To find the things that light you up... And also to remind yourself...
You are the light. You are the heart. You are the LOVE.
The world is changing. For many, it's not easy and it's even kind of ugly.
But one thing I know... We need each other. We need to remind each other just how important we are. We need to remind each other to stay in HEART. To lead and move through LOVE.
The holidays are upon us... And, I hope you are held, accepted, and loved. And, if you are not- you can reach out to me and I will be here.
We change the world by changing ourselves. We need each other. LOVE thy neighbor. Love thy friend. LOVE thy foe!
And let this holiday season light you up- from the inside out- by focusing on all the things that bring you JOY.
Big blessings. I LOVE YOU.
Merry merry and may you all feel prosperous, loved, and held.
Love Elisha
Stay tuned... I have lots of cool stuff coming up from Daily Ritual! + check out the practice + SynFul!
New accounts to follow:
>>> @the._.practice: Open-source and collaborative: An exploration of the felt-sense through functional movement, working with natural alignment concepts of biotensegrity and biomotional response to tap into the fascial network and body intelligence. a continuous body awareness evolution

>>> a women's bee hive, a circle of sisterhood, of authentic realness, of shared womb wisdom, experience, and life, a space to unpack sex, love, and magic- and all things taboo and shadow.
+ the pussy pulse podcast new episode!
My vimeo memberships... Perfect for you if you love pre-recorded movement classes from me!
Goddess Alchemy Project - Listen
Solstice Heart | A Spotify Playlist by ME!
Things I like
Jack Kornfield: Loving Awareness Meditation
Aubrey Marcus Podcast: Our Nine Dimensional Existence with Matias de Stefano
Mark Groves: The Power of Fun with Catherine Price
Gene Keys Contemplation
Richard Rudd:
Synarchy — The universal principle through which collective intelligence naturally aligns itself in perfect harmony with all that is. Synarchy is the underlying nature of humanity that can only be known once it has emerged from the Shadow frequencies. As the new collective consciousness dawns all across our planet, humanity will self-organise its creative genius and manifest the true higher purpose hidden in its DNA — to bring about the new eden. Whereas the Shadow consciousness manifests on the material plane through the principle of hierarchy, and the Gift consciousness through the principle of heterarchy, the siddhic consciousness manifests through the principle of synarchy.
Moon + Astrology
This moon feels bright and light. It feels like an opportunity- to really let go of old identities and step forward into more resonant truth. We are working with Gemini, ruled by Mercury- communication, curiosity, ideas, mental mind, and perhaps even speaking your truth in a light and lovely way.
I suppose... This time of the year in general calls us to release what is stagnant or to refresh things, to bring them into newness. So I feel this: release old identities, release relationships that don't light you up, release old ideas that aren't moving you where you want to go. And, call in freshness! Call in opening and receiving information, downloads, and clarity on direction. Call in creating new realities. Call in transforming your identity to whatever you want. You get to do that <3 Feels right.
The Power Path | Full Moon in Gemini Update
Nylon | December 2021's Full Moon in Gemini is EXTRA MAGICAL
Vibrational Astrology | Full Moon in Gemini
Crystal B Astrology | December Full Moon in Gemini: Saying Goodbye to 2021
The Hood Witch | Full Moon in Gemini
Megan McCluer | Full Moon in Gemini + Venus Retrograde Horoscopes | Aries - Virgo + Libra - Pisces
Alchemise | Full Moon in Gemini
Hare in the Moon Astrology | Venus + Pluto in Capricorn
Chani Nicholas | Horoscopes for Mercury in Capricorn
Gemini full moon ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
Dec 18 8:35PM PST / Dec 19 3:35PM AEDT ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
Moonthly Theme: EXPLORATION, PHILOSOPHY + WISDOM ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
Gemini full moon illumination: ‘I am not my thoughts which are fleeting, I remain curious, I release stagnant mindsets’ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
The last full moon of 2021. Congratulations for making it this far in one of the most bizarre years I have experienced yet. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
This full moon has a big energy, with the sun in the closing degrees of Sagittarius in communion with Jupiter, who is also trining the moon. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
Especially as we lead up to the final exact Saturn Uranus square on the 23/24 of Dec (1º away currently), which is the last pass of these two archetypes squaring off around foundations, structure, governance vs freedom, non-conformism, activism and evolution. They come close again in 2022 but it's not exact so there will be echoes of what we have traversed this year, however overall very different. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
The Sun in Sagittarius is yearning for it’s full potential of enjoyment and adventure to be expressed. The moon in Gemini wants connection, conversation and mental stimulation, both expanded by Jupiter. No doubt the themes of connection and domestic travel are at the forefront of many minds right now, and there are waves of intensity that will be brought to the surface by the brightness of the Gemini full moon around the possibilities. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
We currently navigate who can/is/able to meet/connect/converse, and what types of conversations will be had based on a full year’s worth of experience? Can we turn away from the past if talk or perceptions stagnate, and shift conversations to what we dream of moving forward? Follow what feels alive and inspiring, and keep this as your mantra. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
It’s perfectly ok to not feel festive, it’s been a big year and this time of year alone can bring up a lot of stuff. So go gentle and find joy in the little things, with the all importance of balance.
♊️ GEMINI FULL MOON ♊️ Our last Full Moon of the year greets us tomorrow at 8:35 PM PT. It’s a time to release any energy you don’t want to bring into the next year and begin to attract what you do. ⠀ Gemini rules the way we speak to ourselves and to others. It helps us define the narratives we live by. We each have stories about ourselves we hold onto, sometimes too tightly. These stories anchor and limit us. They also affect how we feel and which parts of ourselves we show others. As we venture through this Full Moon, feel who you want to be on the other side. How do you want to reinvent yourself in the new year? What story do you want to live by? Start to decide what definitions and expectations you are ready to shift to create space for the next version of yourself. How do you want to grow and what affirmations will help you? This Moon works well with Jupiter currently in Aquarius. This aspect brings the energy of expansion. Challenge yourself to step out of any energy, thought, or emotion that keels you small. Take up the space you deserve in this world. Allow yourself to be seen in the light you find most brilliant.
Full Moon in Gemini, December 18~ The last Full Moon of the year is on the rise, invoking in us a sense of reckoning and reconsidering, of contextualizing all that has transpired over this year of our lives, and compelling us to envision what the future holds. To take note of all the revisions and bold adjustments that must be made upon review. There are so many possibilities that beckon. So many futures winking at us. The thing is, we can only carry so much. It's easy to get caught up in daydreams, to indulge ourselves in reveries of what could be. To scatter our energy, to spread ourselves too thin trying to catch every dream that falls from the sky. It's important that we envision the things we want to manifest, the things we want to create into being, we just have to make sure we stay rooted to the earth so we don't float away. We have to tend to our thoughts, to cultivate an understanding of ourselves that factors in how easily our perceptions of ourselves and our reality can become distorted by things we keep buried within, and things that break through to us from without. So often we are looking at the world through our wounds. And when there is a chasm between these things we feel deep within our being, and our ability to process and express them, we feel discontented and disconnected. Don't let the worst of your thoughts get the best of you. Don't let them tempt you to give up. To check out of reality and indulge in reckless escapism. Now is the time to take ownership of your life. To become the proprietor of your destiny. Is the life you are living sustainable? How do you live your purpose? The answers to these questions can be found when you commit to yourself. When you commit to your purpose. To your relationships. To your finances. When you commit to your own unique inner power and beauty. You are the one who defines your self worth. The worth of your relationships, your contributions, and the role you play in your community, defines you. If something isn't serving your higher purpose, isn't sustaining you, isn't sustainable for your environment, let it go.
We have got to find a way to turn our love into money, somehow. To turn our money into love. In this crazy world we've inherited, it's the best we can do. For now. Take the wheel and take control of how you move through this world of trouble. While keeping in mind that there is also a world of possibility at your feet. Choose your direction wisely.
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