MOON Letter | Spacious Airy Aquarius Healing Energy: LOVE
Jul 24, 2021![](
Hey love bums!
I was creating this email yesterday... and was really having a full on emotional day. My new partner got his first experience of me at my worst: moody, dissatisfied, critical. (I'm sorry, please forgive me, thank you, I love you!- Ho'Oponopono) In fact, the past 3 days have felt a bit intense... In that uncomfortable way of... hey... Look what's showing up! Look what shit you have to deal with... and hopefully release! Perfect. It's been a long time since I have had someone to reflect and mirror myself back to me- So this relationship work is humbling and exciting... I still have so much work to do! Anyways...
The full moon in Aquarius... A moon of unconditional love... A love of all humanity in our uniqueness and differences... She shows up in perfect timing. To help us let go of outdated programming, unwanted conditioning, and all the junk that is holding us back from shining through to TRUE Love.
While this moon also holds an expansive energy- one that will help move us forward into new beginnings and pursuits, it also holds a sweet opportunity to release what is no longer serving us.
What can you release at this time? What will help you become the vibration you want to BE and share with the world? What can you choose to better humanity- and here is a hint- it starts with YOU!
We can make shift and important, potent change... It always starts within. Make no mistake... These times and energies are bringing stuff up.
However you are affected by these energies, feelings, emotions, times, situations... Take pause to reflect and decide what ways are no longer in alignment... and how life might be a little lighter if we chose to release them... And move forward into more LOVE. Love that always starts within... And LOVE that always benefits not only you, but everyone around you- your loved ones, your family, your partners, friends, communities, and environment.
Use this time to choose to rise into a higher space of Love. To witness with compassion the ways in which you are holding yourself back in fear, in worth, in love... And see how much lighter it could be. Shine like the moon... In the darkness, choose light- and YET... Still honour the things that are rising and see them, feel them, and let them go with love...
The truth is... We all have shit. We all have insecurities, fears, uncomfortable truths... And if we can choose to look at it, with radical responsibility... We have this beautiful opportunity to heal ourselves. And... This will heal all of your relationships and yourself. This will heal the world.
I love you!
I hope you have a blessed day. Hug your loved ones. Be kind to yourself. Feel it all. And don't be afraid to address the dark to move more fully into the light... Aquarius supports us to be rebels like this... It's scary! But, so so so worth it!
Love you!
Love Elisha
MUSIC! Soft: A Spotify playlist by me!
7 days left to catch this dope promotion for DailyRitual.Live!
Membership includes all live classes, zoom recordings, workshops... It is the most beautiful global community... and this movement is really the best thing in the world.
Catch monthly membership for $66 (regularly $99)... This ends August 1st!
This membership is the perfect option for those of you who want to dive in to evolving (pre-recorded) movement flows on your own schedule! If you aren't able to move with me real-time via - this is the next best space!
I am committed to uploading 4-5 new movement videos each month... So the library will continue to expand with fresh vibes and the most tasty movement bites you've had!
If you are familiar with my style of movement, you know that my classes are consistently changing with mood and energetics, and always evolving in the most creative and inspired ways. Join me! This is a dope resource for those who love to move or movement teachers who are looking to stay lit up in their own practice.
Practice with me live on ... Summer promo: $66/month
I teach: Monday at 9am PDT, Tuesday 10am PDT, Wednesday 7am PDT, and Friday at 9am PDT... It's the best. Join me! xo
My newest membership: It's like chocolate for your bum... IS ON!
We have launched! Do it for your bum xoxo
It has been my gift and my destiny to find the power within the glutes! Not just superficial, this major muscle is MASSIVE in the balance and functional integrity of your body! For most, the glutes are extremely underdeveloped. Not only are they underdeveloped, but many are not able to engage them in a functional and practical way.
I believe building the glutes is pivotal in balancing the rest of the body. By bringing power back to form and function through smart, aligned, and optimally designed movement- you can bring your glutes back online and see the ripple of benefit for your whole body system.
Glutes are beautiful... and at their best, help you to feel your best, too!
It's like chocolate for your bum... xo
A space to learn the basics, rehabilitate and rebalance your body, and tune into the innate wisdom of deep listening that movement brings. Expect gentle, slow, explanations, indications, remedies, and understanding.
BODY LOVE | Foundations, Therapeutics, Somatics
Britt and I are creating a training for teachers who want to find a deeper sense of embodiment in their own practice so that they may be wiser and more attuned for their students.
The Practice is an 8-month fellowship with Elisha and Brittney as your guides. On this 8-month extra-sensory journey, you will move from form to formless; conceptualization to actualization; logic to intuition; cerebral to embodiment.
We are breaking this offering into two parts: FORM & FORMLESS
Both segments are 4 months long. FORM is a prerequisite to FORMLESS.
This will be an application based offering... We are looking for people who are the right fit to embark on a learning and exploration journey with us.
We can't wait to extend our information and intelligence with you!
Interested? Sign up for our waitlist to be in the know... This is for movement professionals, yoga teachers, and those who want to have a deeper sense of awareness about their somatic experience in relationship to mind, heart, and soul.
The Practice | A mind-body awareness EVOLUTION!
A resource for movement and yoga professionals: monthly newsletter with high quality information + content, inspired ideas, monthly teachers meet up.
- Monthly (potent and packed) newsletter: emergent science, ideas, articles, videos, music, playlists, + inspiration
- Monthly teachers zoom meeting
- (Text) book club (when it's running)
- Resources: book recommendations, articles, websites, teachers
- Growing community of Movement Professionals supporting each other to rise
This offering will open up in September 2021
If you're interested in creating community with me... Join Waitlist!
RE|SOURCE | A Teachers Resource
Soul Nectar | Sayulita, MX | February 2022
I am starting to put the details and the wheels in stronger motion for this event!
If you are interested or planning to join me, please let me know! I will need confirmation and commitment by July 31st!
Dates: February 26 through May 5, 2022
Location: Haramara Retreat Center, Sayulita, Mexico
Payment plans available. Deposit to confirm: $500USD
Please email me with any questions!
This event will be epic... They are life changing. We will move, play, rest, connect... All the hugs, all the love, all the beautiful moments to cherish for the rest of your life!
I love you! Join me + Jeffrey Waters (breathworker and myofascial magician)... We can't wait to spend this time with you!
Moon + Astrology
Chani Nicholas | Horoscopes for the Full Moon in Aquarius
The Power Path | Full Moon Update
Gala Mukomolova | Tonight's Full Moon in Aquarius Promises Lot's of Emotional Chaos
Oath Oracle: Full Moon Horoscopes
Queer Cosmos | Full Moon Download
Tonight the Moon opposes the Sun giving us our first of two Full Moons in Aquarius. Full Moons always occur in the opposite sign of the current Sun sign. While the Sun sits in Leo, the Full Moon land in Aquarius twice allowing us to work with this energy more intensely in our energetic body. It’s the cosmos way of telling us we’re ready to embody Aquarian energies and rise to a new level of existence- one that embraces unconditional love for all beings. ⠀ Aquarius teaches us to break the mold. It encourages us to think differently and imagine the unimaginable. This sign helps us move our energy forward into new, unchartered, territory. It also encourages us to find our authentic self, the person we are underneath the fear, the layers of societal conditioning, and our own expectations. When aligned with the higher side of Aquarius, we see the interconnectedness of all beings. We see ourselves in others, and we honor each other’s uniqueness. Instead of judgment we embrace learning and we strive to evolve humanity forward through the connection of different perspectives through the lens of the heart. ⠀ The energy of Aquarius has much to teach on these two Full Moons. Tonight is the beginning of the journey that will lead us through Leo Season to the second Full Moon in Aquarius late August. As you work with this energy ask yourself what old programming needs to shift for you to embrace your authentic truth. What needs to shatter for you to be you? And how can living your life from a frequency of love help you break through outdated patterns? Aquarius reminds us that we are energetic beings each emitting a frequency into the world. When we adjust our own vibration we shift the airwaves around us. What will help you become the vibration you want to emit to the world? Allow the magic of this Moon to raise your vibration and in turn help raise the vibration of the world to the highest frequency of all- love.
Full Moon in Aquarius, July 23~ Whatever you seek to find in the world, must first be found within yourself. If you want love, be love. If you want peace, be peace. If you want joy, be joy. If you want understanding, understand yourself. The gift of this Full Moon is the ability to behold the beautiful collective we all weave into being, how it is woven together with each of our individual beings.
When we love ourselves we love the world. When we love the world the world loves us.
Show yourself the love and compassion and understanding you would show for others, and would want others to show for you. It's a funny thing, how easy it is to give advice to others. When you have a cool distance between yourself and their situation, with no emotions attached you can see things clearly in a way they cannot.
Now, try to do the same for yourself. Step outside of your realm of emotions, and try to see the true story of what is transpiring in your life. Try to see that your emotions are just emotions, they may color your landscape, but they are not what your landscape is made of. Learn to traverse your mountains and valleys in a way that honors them, that sees their true nature no matter what shade of color they take on from hour to hour.
Emotions that overwhelm and cloud our judgments often symbolize deeper more significant feelings that we haven't properly addressed and dealt with. When you dig deep and find these roots, you can gain the insight needed to understand yourself and begin to heal, which then allows you to reach out and make genuine, transformative connections with people that can radically revolutionize your lives.
It's time to take back control of your emotional landscape, to take all of the hardships and spin them into cloaks of wisdom. Wisdom that heals and transforms us, so that we may heal and transform the world. The more we reach in, the more we can reach out. The more we reach out, the better connections we make. The better connections we make the happier life we can create. Remember, the revolution begins within.
-jen fountain
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