freedom lives in presence

freedom presence Jun 17, 2022

It starts with our language, a language that divides our mind into imaginary realms of space and time.
Time- constructed upon an illusory past and a non-existent future. 

This mental plane is immediately built upon separateness, division, and polarity. This mind based dimension perpetuates our deepest wound, our greatest illusion… All which is sourced from the beginnings of our language- that which forms our understanding and programming of reality. 

The mind seeks to differentiate and find the dual nature of all things. It is void of peace because it is constantly living in the past or the future, and seldom rests in presence. 

Presence is found by living through the heart. The heart is a non-polar organ, primarily seeking to unify, connect, and co-exist in a collaborative way with all beings. The heart feels this moment and moves from this place of intimate presence. 

Imagine the fluidity of presence washing through you like a wave, unattached and without story, simply allowing it to move in this moment. Imagine how free this experience would be. 

Freedom lives in presence. 


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